The Value of T is a card based exercise designed to improve group problem solving and cooperation, it is especially relevant to the examination of leadership styles. cards are distributed around the group. each has a unique identity and either a simple calculation or an instruction to combine in some manner the value of other cards. Between them, the cards provide the information needed to find the Value of T. the exercise is designed for groups of 6-12 members and comes complete with enough cards for two groups. It needs between 45 and 90 minutes including discussion time.
To provide participants with an immediate, shared experience of problem-solving which will serve as the base for performance analysis and discussion of interpersonal behaviour. It will help participants to:
- Understand the co-operative process and work effectively in groups.
- Improve leadership styles and achieve better solutions to problems.

How it works
The exercise centres around a pack of forty-three information bearing cards. Each of which has a unique identity and bears either a simple sum (e.g. 50 * 3) or an instruction to combine in some manner the values found on other cards. the tutor introduces the exercise and distributes the pack amongst the group. the group are then instructed to use the information available to find ‘The value of T’. This can be done if all participants reveal accurately the data on their cards and the group devise a suitable method for relating the different items to each other. the exercise can be run with a single group or with a leader – elected or appointed.
What participants will be doing
As individuals, considering the information provided on the cards held. As group members, discussing how the information held by all the various members can be used to solve the problem.
For what levels is it appropriate?
All supervisors, managers and groups seeking to improve their ability to cooperate and solve problems.
Between 45 and 90 minutes, including discussion time.
Tutor manual; Cards; Post-exercise discussion questionnaire and all supporting documentation.
The Value of T can also be purchased as part of the Team Builders Toolkit.
Please contact us for further information or download the Value of T information sheet.